Hi, my name is Ksenia:) I'm a novice blogger. I love to draw, to photograph, to notice the beauty in small things, I believe that small things create our lives. Love to create outfits on polyvore and in the vastness of this blog will be with you them divided. I want my blog helped you learn something new or inspiring for yourself. With love, Ksenia

вторник, 13 ноября 2018 г.

Fashmates is a community-driven platform to inspire others with your creativity.
Analog Polyvore.
Fashmates is a leading online communication platform, inspiring, as well as buying and selling fashion.

I liked this site; it's easy to use; Polyvore users can conveniently upload their creations. No one is going to give us back our Polyvore, but we can build a new house to communicate, create, share it with the world, rest our soul.
